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Lloyd Baker于1937年在怀俄明州怀俄明州的克凯维尔进行了第一个现场调查。最近,在他的100个生日派对的一周内,由300多名邀请的客人出席了300多名邀请的客人,劳埃德曾在该领域曾经更多,调查明星谷,怀俄明州。

在1937年的第一次调查中,贝克采用了一台飞机桌测量仪,该仪表由纸张和铅笔,尺度和自制000sidade的三脚架组成。如今,使用ASHTECH Z-FX参考站和Ashtech Z-FX流动仪在4×4 ATV上安装了Dual频率RTK中的Lloyd调查。

In the intervening years, Baker has also worked as a chief surveyor for the Bechtel Corporation working on some of the nation’s most prestigious construction projects, designing site plans for the Carlin Gold mine in Nevada, the first 22 miles of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), and as Chief surveyor for nuclear power plants in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Lusby, Maryland and Waterford, Connecticut. A graduate of the University of Wyoming, Baker founded his survey firm, Lloyd B. Baker and Associates, in Mountain View, California where he was also City Engineer and joined Rotary in 1950. Baker taught physics at Utah State in 1943 and 1944 and engineering and mathematics at Boise College in 1944 and 1945. He resumed the firm’s business upon returning to his Wyoming roots in 1974. The firm has completed surveys and engineering projects in Santa Clara County, California, Utah, Idaho as well as western Wyoming.

贝克是专门的ASHTECH GPS测量师,因为第一家ASHTECH产品制造。对于办公室计算,他使用Traverse PC和Visual CADD软件来准备地图。该公司已经雇用了近100岁以来的星星山谷,现在由贝克和他的同事斯科特怀特组成。


更多信息在http://www.starvalleyindendent.com/2011/06/ its-a-wonderful-life-lloyd-baker-celebats-100-years/

